Low height water-resistant AGV

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Low Height Type > Low height water-resistant AGV

Low height water-resistant AGV for food factories【Newly Released】

●Rust prevention through stainless steel body
●Water resistance in drive components
●Wet surface adaptation with grooved drive wheels
An AGV designed to meet the demands of food production facilities, utilizing its Low-height type versatility for a wide range of applications.


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 Low height water-resistant AGV

 Used in environments with wet floors and water splashes, such as food factories.

  In environments like food factories with water splashes and wet floors, traditional AGVs have faced issues such as rust development, electrical problems, and slipping on slippery surfaces, making them unsuitable for use.

 Low height water-resistant AGV is designed to adapt these challenges. Traditional Low height AGVs have been used in settings like automobile and electronics factories, as well as logistics centers. The carts transported by Low height AGVs are diverse and serve a wide range of applications. Similar versatility is expected in food factories for various purposes.



Operation of Low-height
It automatically connects and disconnects carts using a hook that slides underneath and elevates electrically.

Suitable for various applications
It can be used for a wide range of applications by changing the transported cart.


Automatic Guided Vehicle CarryBee Variation (AGV)

Automatic Guided Vehicle CarryBee Variation (AGV)

Catalog Request

CarryBee is an unmanned carrier system which can rationalize conveyance between processes, parts supply to production lines and cellular manufacturing (assembly on AGV).

Dolly Type
Low Height Type
Other Type
Kit Option & Accessories Customized Type AGV Wireless Integrated Control


Aichikikai techno system co.,Ltd. 456-0055 1-10, Minami-ichiban-cho, Atsuta-ku, Nagoya TEL: 052-661-1011 FAX: 052-661-1012
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